Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Bathroom Sanctuary

I saw an Oprah episode about finding peace and living a "happy" life.  As I am watching, I KNOW that I have a very happy life in my own opinion.  Then the idea of having peace and quiet comes up.  Ah-ha!  Something I have absolutely NONE of.  Then they said just try to take one the bathroom if you need to, for meditation.  WOW, I thought...I can do this.

Now, I know that all mom's can relate to this one.  I am going crazy with laundry, homework, and kids screaming at each other and I decide to escape....where?  Meditation.  To the only place, the bathroom.  Of course, the little train I call my children follow within 15 seconds.  Do they start yelling MOMMY!!!!???? Yes.  Do they knock? Yes.  Do they open the door and barge in? Yes.  Do they ACTUALLY try to climb on me when I am pretending to go to the bathroom?  Yes.  Meditation FAILED. 


  1. And it always will fail, Mel--try just talking to Jesus in the air in the middle of whatever you're doing, and save the time you waste watching Oprah. Now you know who sent this message, don't you?

  2. Someone who doesn't want anyone to know who they are...haha

  3. I love that you started a blog! I think it's a great idea to write about the crazy world of being a mom! I'm excited to keep reading!

  4. Thanks Jessica! I actually started this blog after reading yours inspired me to write something too :D

  5. The bathroom is my peaceful place, too. Sometimes I pretend like I'm showering just so I can get away. Jeff usually looks at me like I'm crazy when I come out dry and the same way I looked before.
